
Gummi Privacy Policy


At Gummi, your privacy is a top priority. Your privacy is at the heart of how we design and build the services and products you know and love, so you can have complete confidence in our services and products.

We appreciate the trust you place in us when you provide us with your information and we always appreciate this.

Our commitment to privacy. We design all of our products to respect your privacy. We draw on a team of experts from many fields, including legal, security, engineering, product design and more, to ensure that our decisions are informed by with absolute respect for your privacy.

Our commitment to transparency. Because we use many of the same online services as you, we know that missing information and complicated wording are common problems in privacy policies. We go in the exact opposite direction: we do our best to make our Privacy Policy and related documents understandable. We really want you to read our policies and understand our privacy practices!

Our commitment to security. We have dedicated teams ensuring the safety of your data. We continually update our security measures and work to improve the safety of your data.

Privacy Policy

Welcome to our Privacy Policy. Thank you for taking the time to read.

We appreciate that you trust us with your information, and we intend to always keep that trust. This starts with making sure you understand the information we collect, why we collect it, how it is used, and the choices you have regarding your information. This policy describes our privacy practices in simple language, keeping legal and technical jargon to a minimum.

This Privacy Policy applies from February 1, 2024. Previous versions of this Privacy Policy will apply until then.

  1. Who are we?
  2. Where this Privacy Policy applies
  3. Information we collect
  4. How we use information
  5. How we share information
  6. Your rights
  7. How long we maintain your information
  8. Children’s privacy
  9. Changes to Privacy Policy
  10. How to contact us

1. Who we are


Address: 141/48/18 Street 28, Ward 6, Go Vap District, City. Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam.

We are a creative team, providing technology applications and the parent company of Gummi application.

 Our privacy policy is committed to protecting the security of your personal information.

2. Where this Privacy Policy applies

This Privacy Policy applies to the websites, applications, events and other services we operate through the Gummi brand. For simplicity, we refer to all of these collectively as “services” in this Privacy Policy. To provide further clarity, we have added links to this Privacy Policy on all applicable services.

Some services may require separate privacy policies. If a service has a separate privacy policy, that policy will apply, rather than this Privacy Policy.

3. Information we collect

We all understand that, in order to be able to provide you with the most suitable captions for photos with music that is as closely related to your style as possible, we are required to collect some information. Basics such as gender, age and style you pursue. If you want more information, we go into more detail below.

Information you provide to us

You choose to provide us with certain information when using our services. This includes:

  • Once you complete your profile, you have the option to share with us your go-to style, and your music preferences. If you provide us with such information, you consent to our use of this information for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy. You can also share other information with us, like your profile and interests, and content like photos and videos. To add a certain type of content, like photos or videos, you need to give us permission to access your camera or photo album.
  • When you participate in surveys, customer panel interviews or market research, you provide us with your impressions of our products and services, answers to our questions We share the comments section.

Information we receive from other sources

In addition to information you provide to us directly, we receive information about you from other sources, including:

  • Members: Members may provide information about you when they use our services, such as when they interact with you or if they submit a report related to you.
  • Related parties: We are one of the business activities of NOVA UNIVERSE SOFTWARE COMPANY LIMITED. NOVA UNIVERSE SOFTWARE COMPANY LIMITED considers the safety and security of its members a top priority. If you are banned from another service of NOVA UNIVERSE SOFTWARE COMPANY LIMITED, your information may be shared with us to take necessary measures, such as closing application activity on your device.

Information is generated and collected automatically when you use our services

Your use of our services generates technical data about which features you use, how you use them and the device you use to access our services. See below for more details.

  • Information About Usage: Using the services generates data about your activities on our services, such as how you use them to create annotations and select music tracks.
  • Device information: We collect information from and about one or more devices you use to access our services, including hardware and software information such as IP address, device type and identifier, settings & features of apps, times the app crashes, advertising identifiers (which are randomly generated numbers that you can regenerate by going into your device’s settings and, in some cases, it may be possible to disable it completely), and identifiers associated with cookies or other technologies that may uniquely identify a device or browser.

4. How we use information

The main reason we use your information is to provide you with the best experience while using our services and to improve our services.

5. How we share information

Because our goal is to help you create captions for your images and recommend the most suitable music, we will NOT SHARE most of your information with ANY THIRD PARTIES outside of our activities. of our Company (NOVA UNIVERSE SOFTWARE COMPANY LIMITED).

With relevant parties

We are one of the business activities of NOVA UNIVERSE SOFTWARE COMPANY LIMITED. We collect your information and use it internally for a limited number of legitimate purposes as follows:

  • To make all NOVA UNIVERSE SOFTWARE CO., LTD platforms more secure and to help us deal with (e.g. ban) bad actors that exist on one platform as well as on other platforms
  1. Your Rights and Choices

We want you to be in control of your information, so we want to remind you of the following options and tools available:

  • Access/Update tools in the service. Account settings and tools can help you access, edit, or delete information that you have provided to us and that is directly linked to your account within the service. If you have any questions about these tools and settings, please contact our customer care team for help.
  • Device permissions. Mobile device platforms may have permission systems for specific types of device data and notifications, such as phone contacts, images, location-related services, and push notifications. You can change the settings on your device to consent or object to the collection or processing of relevant information or the display of relevant notifications. Of course, if you do so, certain services may lose their ability to serve you.
  • Uninstall. You can stop all information collection by an app by removing the app using the standard uninstall process on your device.

We also want you to be aware of your privacy rights. Depending on where you live, you may have the right to:

  • Access/know. You may have the right to request a copy of the information we hold about you and, in certain circumstances, you may be able to receive this copy in a portable format. You can exercise your right to access directly within the service by submitting a request.
  • Delete/delete. You can ask us to delete your information that we hold. You may exercise your right to erasure by submitting a request.
  • Correction/Edit/Update. You can correct most information you have provided to us by editing your profile directly within the service. If you believe that information we hold about you is inaccurate, you may contact us to have that information corrected.
  • Objections/restrictions. You also have the right to object or request that we restrict certain processes. To do that, please contact us.
  1. How long we store your information

We only store your personal information for the duration of your use of our services and in full compliance with applicable laws. When you do not use our services or uninstall the application on your device, information about your preferences, age and style will be completely deleted until you reinstall it and allow it to be provided. new to us.

  1. No children allowed

Our services are intended only for individuals 13 years of age or older. We do not allow individuals under the age of 13 to use our platform. If you suspect a member is under 13 years of age, please use the reporting mechanism available on the service..

9. Changes to Privacy Policy

Because we’re always looking for new and creative ways to help you get the image and music captions that work best for you, helping you get better post quality, data usage Our policy is always updated, this policy may change from time to time. We will notify you before any material changes take effect to give you time to review the changes.

10. How to contact us

If you have questions about this Privacy Policy, you have different options below:

Online: here

By mail:

141/48/18 Street 28, Ward 6, Go Vap District, Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

For more information on how to contact our data protection officer, please click here.